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 2011-04-02 21:37:18 

Chief Accountant/Financial director

Город: Москва
Раздел: Бухгалтерский учет и аудит, экономика
Заработная плата: от 100000 РУБ
Пол: не имеет значения
Название предприятия: 
Образование:  Возраст: 
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Опыт работы
3-5 лет
Limited Liability Company “April”, с сентября 2009 по настоящее время
Должность: Chief Accountant/Financial director

The entity’s ordinary activities are services (works), property management and wholesale as well as it undertakes an activity connected with the movement of goods across the customs border of the Russian Federation in compliance with the customs treatment of clearance for free circulation.
The entity applies a general taxation system in compliance with the Tax Code of Russian Federation.
The entity has an 80 % stake in its subsidiary.
The entity applies IFRSs (IASs) in preparing and presenting management accounting.

- Being in charge of an accounting department of the entity I am fully responsible for controlling accounting process with the purpose of organizing book keeping of the entity to identify the entity’s financial position at the end of accounting (current) period, as well as to appraise the entity’s financial performance and cash flows for the accounting (current) period.
- Preparing and presenting financial (accounting) statements in accordance with Russian Accountant Standards, including consolidated financial statements.
- Preparing and submitting tax reporting to a tax authority for the locality where it is registered, including VAT and Income Tax reports.
- Organizing and maintaining short-term finance planning.
- Providing the entity’s management with operational management repots worked out in compliance with IFRSs (IASs).
- Controlling execution of operational and financial plans of the entity.
- Monitoring debts receivables and accounts payable.
- Working out economic assessments of projects (contracts).
- Preparing and submitting supporting documents connected with currency transactions to an authorized bank (transaction passports, currency transaction fact sheets and so on) in compliance with foreign exchange control law of Russia.
- Tax planning and optimization of tax burden.


- After being employed I had to suggest the owners to correct the entity’s accounting policy since it had omissions and misstatements of items that materially influenced the economic decisions made by the owners and other users on the bases of the financial statements. For example, the taxpayer didn’t establish the procedure for distributing direct expenses (the assessment of the value of work-in-progress) in his accounting concepts for taxation purposes and consequently that gave rise to the unfounded reduction of taxation basis.
- Accomplished the entity’s document management system that seemed to exist at first sight. Tardy supporting documents always result in misstatements that may mislead the owners and other users оf financial statements. In particular, it often happens when no one is responsible for rolling admissions and thing like that. As a result the effects of transactions were not recorded in the accounting records and not reported in the financial statements of the period to which they relate.
- There was a cute need of restructuring the entity’s financial short-term planning system because of the absence of elementary planning forms such as a sales plan, operational budgets and so on to achieve the main goals of financial planning. Besides, with the purpose of controlling and maintaining debt receivable and accounts payable it was necessary to work accounts payable out and use such new forms as a debt receivable report, a payment calendar and other ones. As a result, the entity’s receivables decreased on 32% and payables fell by half.
- Carrying out in practice projects (contracts) analysis and assessments of their profitability with the purpose of avoiding low-margin projects and losing bargains.
- Refusal to obtain unreasonable loans with high interest rates and other sources of financing, searching and involving alternative ones.
- The entity passed successfully audit of financial statements both for 2009 and 2010.
- The entity has a joint reconciliation of settlements in respect of tax obligations twice a year.

Limited Liability Company “ATL-Glass”, с апреля 2009 по сентябрь 2009
Должность: Chief Accountant

The entity’s core activities were both international transportation transactions and inland transportation transactions, logistics, as well as warehouse.
75 % foreign ownership in the entity.
The entity applied IFRSs (IASs) in preparing and presenting management accounting.

- Fully responsible for creating the function process of the entity’s accounting department with the purpose of organizing book keeping of the entity to identify its financial position at the end of accounting period, appraise its financial performance and cash flows for the accounting ( current) period.
- Management of the staff of accountants
- Prepared and presented financial accounting reports in compliance with Russian Accountant Standards as well as tax reports including VAT and Income Tax reports for accounting periods ( the entity applies a general taxation system according to the Tax Code of Russian Federation ) to both tax departments and off-budget funds
- Monthly ( quarterly) prepared and presented management reports worked out in compliance with IFRSs (IASs) to the owners of the entity and HR executives of the Holding for decision-making to meet the information needs of the users.
- Organized and maintained short-term finance and planning, preparing pro forma statements through a forecast balance sheet, income and expenses budget, cash flow budget to predict the entity's future financial position, financial performance and cash flows.
- Provided management accounting repots.
- Controlled execution of operating and financial plans of the entity
- Took part in preparation and the conclusion of economic contracts
- Tax planning and optimization of tax burden


- Recreated the process of accounting for revenue arising from the rendering of logistics transport services and the costs incurred in rendering the services above-mentioned.
- Developed the regulations of bookkeeping work with the purpose of increasing the efficiency and quality of accounting and timeliness of recording facts of financial and economic activities of the entity.
- Gained experience in accounting foreign trade transactions connected with the movement of goods across the customs border of the Russian Federation in compliance with the customs treatment of clearance for free circulation as well as the customs treatment of export and when goods are placed under the customs treatment of temporary importation.

Limited Liability Company “Avant-Consulting”, с июля 2007 по февраль 2009
Должность: Chief Accountant

Details: from 07.2007 till 04.2008 my position at the place of employment was the leading expert. In April 2008 I was appointed as Chief Accountant.

- Conducted accounting and tax accounts of 8 entities which carried out different kinds of activities, including constructing works and wholesale trade, on the basis of contracts of rendering accounting and tax services.
- Prepared and presented financial accounting reports in accordance with Russian Accountant Standards as well as tax reports including VAT and Income Tax reports for tax (current) periods ( the entity applied a general taxation system and also special tax modes according to the Tax Code of Russian Federation ) to both tax departments and off-budget funds
- Organized and maintained short-term finance and planning.
- Prepared and presented management accounting reports to owners and heads of the entities.
- Represented interests of clients in tax authorities and off-budget funds
- Checked tax obligations to be paid in tax departments, taking part in cameral and field tax inspections.

closed joint-stock company “ RMK-AKTIV”, с января 2007 по июль 2007
Должность: an accountant / a financial analyst

The following responsibilities came within my duties:

Operations of accounting:

- Property, plant and equipment ( the recognition of the assets, the determination of their carrying amounts and the depreciation charges as well as impairment losses to be recognized in relation to them)
- Inventories ( the recognition of all costs of purchase and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition)
- Borrowing costs ( the recognition of interests and other costs incurred in connection with the borrowing of funds)


- The analysis of the entity’s financial position, performance as well as its financial structure, liquidity and solvency.
- Preparation of feasibility studies to obtain sources of external financing.

an economic crime investigatory department, с сентября 2004 по январь 2007
Должность: a senior economic crime investigator

- Mainly investigated criminal proceedings instituted over such crimes as fraud, embezzlement, illegal business practices, evasion of taxes and things like that.

- Gained experience in inventorying assets and obligations with the purpose of hunting out evidences.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, с августа 1993 по август 2004
Должность: an officer

- The organization and management of activity of the division

Профессиональные навыки

- Setting up and controlling accounting process with the purpose of indentifying an entity's financial positiion as well as performance at the end of  the accounting ( current) period.
- Preparation and presentation of financial statements in accordance with Russian Accountant  Standards‚ including consolidated financial statements.
- Preparation and the submitting of tax reports to tax authorities for the locality where it is registered‚ including VAT and Income Tax reports.
- Organising and maintaining short-term finance planning.
- Providing an entity's owners and management with operational management reports worked out in compliance with IFRSs (IASs).
- Monitoring debt receivables and accounts payable 
- Working out assessments of projects (contracts).
- Co-ordination with tax authorities‚ non-budgetary funds.
- Tax planning 

Основное — высшее
The State Economic University in Rostov-on-Don "RINH", Finance and credit (второе высшее), с 2001 по 2004
Специальность: Finance and credit

Finance and credit/ Financial management, Economist

The Perm higher military command rear school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (высшее), с 1989 по 1993
Специальность: Command tactical

an officer

Повышение квалификации
Квалификация: an auditor/auditor qualification certificate № А031948.
Учебное заведение: РЭА имени Плеханова
Год получения: 2010
Название курса (экзамена): Qualification audit courses
Квалификация: an accountant
Учебное заведение: Training center "А.F.Konto. Academy of professional management"
Год получения: 2008
Название курса (экзамена): accounting in accordance with IFRSs (IASs).
Иностранные языки
Английский: продвинутый
Дополнительные сведения
Семейное положение: женат
Дети: есть
Возможность командировок: есть
О себе: Deep‚purposeful‚like to work in team but able to work in standalone mode‚ fond of running‚swimming‚reading.
Опубликовано 2011-04-02 21:37:18
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