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 2010-08-25 22:42:39 

Tech lead\system analyst

Город: Нижний Новгород
Раздел: IT, компьютеры, работа в интернете
Заработная плата: от 60000 РУБ
Пол: не имеет значения
Название предприятия: 
Образование:  Возраст: 
Дополнительные сведения: 
Опыт работы
более 5 лет
ZAO Transset, с сентября 2009 по настоящее время
Должность: Senior software engineer

Enhancement of development process, introducing new development techniques which are helpful for particular project:

• Seek bottlenecks and optimize software performance (valgrind with callgrind/cachegrind)
• Deploy Integration build server with control version system, documentation system (Team City, GNU Make, doxygen, subversion)
• Adapt projects for automated cross-platform builds under Linux\sparc solaris 32\64 (cross-compiling, bash scripting)
• Create UML documentation for every project for future analysis and restructuring according to customer needs (Understand, Umbrello)

Used technologies\tools: Understand, Doxygen, Team City, cross-compilation, Umbrello

ZAO NMT, с марта 2008 по настоящее время
Должность: system analyst

Management of IT department:

• Analysis and optimisation of business processes
• Constructing of IT infrastructure
• Deployment and integration open source software with internal company's software

private, с марта 2010 по май 2010
Должность: software engineer

Perform audit of IT system:

• Recreate the algorithm of cookie generation from isapi dll.
• Disassembling of dll, searching for algo's entry point.
• Analyzing and reconstructing of the call stack.
• Reconstruct algorithm in separate module.

Used technologies\tools: ida-pro, hex-rays, understand.

ZAO Transset, с апреля 2008 по сентябрь 2009
Должность: software engineer

Develop and sustain software for processing network devices:

• Development multi-threaded\multiprocessing NMS application under Linux\Solaris (C\C++, NetSNMP, Pthreads)
• Sustain and improvement polling module for net processing device via CORBA (MICO library)
• Develop database structure and logic (PL\SQL, otl library)
• Redesign\refactoring old source code

Used technologies\tools: Subversion, GNU Make, gdb, Source Insight, Glow Code, Umbrello, JDeveloper, SQLDeveloper

MAKS-M company, с апреля 2008 по апрель 2009
Должность: senior software engineer (part time)

Create additional functionality for existing software complex according to dynamically changed requirements:

• Manage of programmer's team work (2 programmers)
• Analysis and optimization of stored procedures
• Project infrastructure refactoring

Used technologies\tools: Firebird, IBExpert, Borland C++ Builder 6

freelance, с января 2008 по апрель 2008
Должность: system analyst

Developing CRM system:

• Database design (MySql and SQLite)
• Development system architecture from scratch
• Create user’s GUI and man pages (using JVCL, Globuslib libraries)
• Management of programmer’s team work (3 programmers)
• Work with OLE (for access to 1c base, excel)

Used technologies\tools: NSIS, Borland C++ Builder 6, WinAPI, Help Scribble, Glow Code

Last projects:
• Webcam_mouse – system for manipulating computer via predefined commands, recognized from webcam video stream.
• PExpert – CRM system for automation typography’s business process

Mera-NN, с октября 2006 по декабрь 2007
Должность: software engineer

Work in sustaining team: fix bug and make addition in main project (IVR system).
• issue analyzing (according to customer logs and letter, crash dump or description of abnormal behavior of system)
• investigating reason of error (investigate customer system settings, project configuration, source code)
• make and test solution, provide test case and other info for testing patch

Used technologies\tools: C\C++, ClearQuality, ClearCase, GNU Make, VC++

Maks-M, с апреля 2005 по октябрь 2006
Должность: software engineer

Design GUI for easy access to database.
Has been involved in:
• Developing in C++ and SQL
• Technical support
• Writing the user guide documentation
• Software testing
• Analyze of the requirements specification

Used technologies\tools: Firebird, IBExpert, Borland C++ Builder 6

Профессиональные навыки

Programming languages:
      C/C++: over 7 years of experience
      SQL‚ shell scripts: 5 years
      VoiceXML‚ forth‚ tcl\tk: university and self-education
Operating Systems:
      Windows family
      Solaris sparc (8‚ 10)‚ Linux (Suse‚ Debian)
Development tools:
      GCC‚ GNU Make‚ autoconf‚
      C++ Builder 5‚ 6‚ 2007‚ 2010‚ Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2005‚
      2008‚ Eclipse‚ Dev-C++‚ IBExpert‚ NSIS‚ SQLdeveloper
      UML‚ OOP‚ multithreading‚ synchronization‚ interprocess communications‚ CORBA‚ linux kernel‚ cross-compilation
      TCP/IP‚ SNMP
Debugging tools:
      Gdb‚ ddd ‚ windbg‚ IDA Pro‚ OllyDbg‚ valgrind.
Version Control Systems:
       Subversion‚ Clearcase
Bug/Request tracking systems:
Other tools:
       Understand‚ Ethereal(WireShark)‚ Source Insigh‚ VmWare‚ VirtualBox‚ qemu‚ tcpdump.

Основное — высшее
N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Faculty Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (высшее), с 2001 по 2008
Специальность: Specialist of Science in applied informatics

Повышение квалификации
Квалификация: system programmer
Учебное заведение: Auriga
Год получения: 2010
Название курса (экзамена): System Programming (Linux Kernel)
Иностранные языки
Английский: продвинутый
Дополнительные сведения
Семейное положение: холост
Дети: нет
Возможность командировок: есть
О себе: I participated in a wide range of IT projects at different roles:
  • as a system developer I was involved in enhancement of functionality IVR system or develop a complex NMS system‚
  • as a business analyst I investigate and optimize business processes in severalcompanies and provide them with IT services which best fits their needs‚
  • as a system analyst I analyze existent systems‚ new requirements and construct
  • new software solutions for both technical and business suitability
At this moment I am open for new interesting projects
where I can apply my expertise and knowledge.

Specialties:system design‚ UML‚ business analyze‚ software architecture.
Опубликовано 2010-08-25 22:42:39
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