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 2010-12-04 16:36:10 

Manager of FTA (Purchasing) - Dep.

Город: Москва
Раздел: Логистика, склад, ВЭД
Заработная плата: от 70000 РУБ
Пол: не имеет значения
Название предприятия: 
Образование:  Возраст: 
Дополнительные сведения: '
Опыт работы
3-5 лет
LLC "Pramo-Electro", с октября 2009 по настоящее время
Должность: Head of FTA department/Purchasing

Persons in direct submission - 5

- Buyering and Supplying for assembly line of factory
- Placing of orders at factories (Europe and Asia)
- Monitoring of payments and goods formation at factories
- Delivery cargo from European countries
- Delivery cargo from Asia (beggest part of volume)
- Delivery of groupage cargo
- Consolidation
- Custom Consultations
- Settlement of disputable situations with customs
- Control over the forwarding agent

- Preparing tender information
- Contracts conclusion
- Bank payments checking
- Custom payments checking
- Contracts tracking
- Rates market analyzing
- Calculation a product liquidity
- Calculation of delivery and customs payments
- Preparing docs for new goods
- Certifying checking

Creation of Supply Chain scheme from "zero"
Direct supply with legal custom formalities from "zero"

2 Work trips to China

About 10 Asian and 10 European Factories
Volumes –
- Not less then 20 cont per month
- Not less then 10 samples for confirmation
- Not less then 15 trucks per month

OOO "MVideo Trade", с октября 2008 по август 2009
Должность: Logistics Specialist/Purchasing

Types of delivery:
A)Trucking ( ~ 100 trucks per month)
TIR, CMR, EXP, etc; Preparing docs for c/c (in Europe!)
Preparing docs for custom, custom regulations, permissions letters

B)Sea Freight manager: (~ 30 cont per month)
BAS, BAF, CAF, THC, MBL/HBL etc; Hazard (2.1 - 6.1)
Preparing docs for custom, custom regulations, permissions letters
OEM deliveries

D) Train transportations (~ 5 cont per month)
Rail waybill, BAS, stations tariff, sup. docs etc
Preparing docs for custom, custom regulations, permissions letters

E) Multimodal transportations

Departments in submission

- Warehouse
- Certifying
- Buyering

Persons in direct submission are not present

- Buyering & Supplying from more the 20 factories
- Placing of orders at factories (Europe and Asia)
- Monitoring of payments and goods formation at factories
- Delivery cargo from European countries
- Delivery of groupage cargo
- Consolidation
- Custom Consultations
- Settlement of disputable situations with customs
- Control over the forwarding agent

- Preparing tender information
- Contracts conclusion
- Bank payments checking
- Custom payments checking
- Contracts tracking
- Rates market analyzing
- Calculation a product liquidity
- Calculation of delivery and customs payments
- Preparing docs for new goods
- Certifying checking

LLC "Globalink Lodgistics Group", с июня 2007 по октябрь 2008
Должность: Export/Import manager, Opertaion & Sales

Types of delivery:
TIR, CMR, EXP, etc; Preparing docs for c/c (in Europe!)
Export/Import, Platforms.
b)Sea Freight manager:
BAS, BAF, CAF, THC, MBL/HBL etc; Hazard (2.1 - 6.1)
C)Air Freight (medium knowledge)
AWB, BAS, THC, etc. Some experience in Relocations
D) Train transportations (medium knowledge)
Rail waybill, BAS, stations tariff, sup. docs etc
E) Multimodal transportations
Basis of experience which you can see above

2 Persons (trainee) in direct submission
- Buyering for «Clients supplying» China, Europe, India
- Delivery cargo from ALL Europe
- Delivery of groupage cargo
- consolidation
- Consultations and sales
- Negotiations with clients

Also working as Sales manager & Operation manager

- clients consultations
- quotation
- negotiating
- contracts conclusion
- contracts tracking
- market analyzing
- Pricings
- Preparation for tenders

Ltd "Abiko Trans", с ноября 2006 по май 2007
Должность: Logistics manager/ Operations

- Buyering and Supply chain from Italy, Slovenia, NL (Furniture)
- Delivery cargo from Europe by truck
Italy, Germany, Belgium, Czech R, Poland etc;
- Delivery of groupage cargo
Consolidation in Europe + Russia
TIR, CMR, EXP, etc;
- Sea freight
General direction - USA & Asia
- Consultations and sales
Phone consultation and meetings
- Multimodal transportations
Sea + Trucking + Air (and other variants)
- Development of new directions in transportations of cargoes
Visiting of exhibitions and organization of meetings
Work out of new logistical schemes
Expansion of base of agents developing of existing base

LLC "ASCO - Logistic", с марта 2005 по ноябрь 2006
Должность: Logistics trainee


- Negotiating
- Search of new clients
- Consultation of clients by phone
- The control moving of a cargo on territories of Russia and the CIS
- Quoting rates
- The control of the financial reporting

Профессиональные навыки

Possession of programs:
1C 7.7 (medium knowledge)
SAP (medium knowledge)
Ms Office (Word, Excel, Access, FrontPage)
Post clients (The Bat, Outlook Express)
The Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Opera)
Knowledge of iron and ON, experience of adjustment{option} of a LAN (local internal networks)

Основное — высшее
Московский Государственный Открытый Университет (МГОУ) (высшее), с 2004 по 2009
Специальность: Лингвистика (Перевод и Переводоведение)

Advanced trainings/courses
2007 — Training in Operation & Sales (FTA), LLC "Globalink Logistics", Operation & Sales
2005 — Risk management in Logistics sphere, ZAO "Asco Logistics", Risk management
2004 — Rhone Hubbard - «Ethics and Culture of dialogue », ООО"Ethnic", Ethics and culture of dialogue
2004 — Oxford University - linguistics and Public Relations, ООО"Podem", Linguistics
2003 — Rates « Windows professional », ООО"Culture", The professional user of the personal computer

Школа (среднее), с 1990 по 2000
Специальность: Лингвистика

Иностранные языки
Английский: свободное владение
Дополнительные сведения
Семейное положение: холост
Дети: нет
Личный автомобиль: есть
Возможность командировок: есть
О себе: Personal skills
Persevering, active, hardworking, exacting to itself and another, responsible, sociable. I possess high working capacity. I am easily trained. Skilled to work in stressful situations, acceptance of the weighed decisions.
Executive, punctual, practical, analytical mentality, I am able to work with collective. Driver's license of a class "B".
Опубликовано 2010-12-04 16:36:10
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