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 2010-12-09 21:15:02 


Город: Москва
Раздел: ТЭК и добыча сырья
Заработная плата: от 60000 РУБ
Пол: не имеет значения
Название предприятия: 
Образование:  Возраст: 
Дополнительные сведения: '
Опыт работы
более 5 лет
PC «Lukoil– Odessa Oil Refinery Plant», с октября 2007 по январь 2009
Должность: Head of department by logistical support

Prepared the necessary transportation documentation for movement of hazardous materials and waste in accordance with road and sea regulations. Arranged and dealt with haulers. Co-ordinated collecting and delivering of the equipment, row materials and so on products which needed for the refinery processing; organized tender procedures among suppliers in accordance with the technical/engineering task; exercised logistical support with the aim is a decreased of variable cost.Operating time of client base, direct negotiations with clients, marketing researches of the markets and production purchase, calculation of cost and profitability of purchase, inventory management, receivables management and accounts payable, reports on movement of materials in warehouses, realization of illiquid production, registration of invoices, conducting transactions on production purchase, drawing up long-term and short-range plans on group work, drawing up of the budget and the control over budget execution.

PC «Lukoil - Ukraine», с декабря 2002 по сентябрь 2007
Должность: Director of dealer’s chain in the Odessa region

Was responsible for providing leadership to the Planning and Marketing department and for management of the human, material, and financial resources dealers’ chain in the Odessa region. Setting budgets and control of efficient realizing fixed plans; managing of all business process is the 45-th fuel stations and 5-th oil handling terminals.
As result, the Company gain has increased by 112 %, EBITDA has grown on 64 %, the net profit has grown on 92 % in comparison with the previous periods when the Company operated own staff. The staff have at the gas station from PC "Lukoil-Ukraine" to dealers that has allowed to reduce staff in PC "Lukoil-Ukraine" by 74 % is deduced.

PC « Lukoil - Ukraine» (Head office. Kiev), с июня 2001 по декабрь 2002
Должность: Head of department by development retail chain

Managing works of development department. Responsible for developing ongoing strategies and tactics to increase retail chain from 120 fuel stations to the 250 fuel stations. Actively report to the CEO of Planning & External Relations; complete of the feasibility studies by acquisitions of fuel stations and adjustment them with the Budget Committee. The analysis of investment projects and strategic initiatives. Estimation of expediency of creation of joint ventures, transactions M&A and working out of schemes of long-term interaction with strategic partners.
As result, the Company gain has increased by 112 %, EBITDA has grown on 64 %, the net profit has grown on 92 % in comparison with the previous periods when the Company operated own staff. The staff have at the gas station from PC "Lukoil-Ukraine" to dealers that has allowed to reduce staff in PC "Lukoil-Ukraine" by 74 % is deduced.

PC « Lukoil - Ukraine» (Odessa region), с июня 1999 по май 2001
Должность: Head of department by the retail trading of petroleum

Was responsible for reaching sales goals and implementing programs to meet goals working with all departments. Manage of business process between the fives branches; whole sales of gasoline and consumer goods through fuel stations.
Formation marketing, assortment, the price and advertising policy of branch, management of their realization, participation in strategic planning of development of branch, search and working out of new commodity markets, channels of sales, working out and development programs of advancement production, development of business directions activity of branch, an operative management of commercial service of the company.

Private Firm “Victoria”, с июля 1996 по июль 1999
Должность: Commercial Director

Manage of business process of the 35 fuel stations. Was responsible for involved implementing product, pricing, and business development efforts throughout the region; whole sales of gasoline in Odessa region; logistical support of petroleum with the aim is a decreased variable cost; complete feasibility study for mergered with «Lukoil»; transaction support of merger deal between commercial firm and «Lukoil».

Профессиональные навыки

Feasibility report working out on acquisition of refuelling complexes. Formation of plans for development of a retail network. It is successfully realised more than 80 projects. Budgeting and drawing up of plans on retail realisation of the mineral oil‚ accompanying goods at the gas station. Realisation of logistics deliveries of light mineral oil for the purpose to reduce expenses. Management 45 gas stations and 5 tank farms. Formation of management of the gas station through a dealer network on an example of work of the foreign companies.
Computer skills: 1С‚ Microsoft applications Office‚ LukMedia.
Certificates: «Management of projects» (July‚ 2006 is given out‚ to Leuven‚ Belgium); the certificate on the termination of the program Business of School of Leuven‚ Belgium (July‚ 2006 is given out).

Основное — высшее
International Institute of Management, Kiev (mba), с 2004 по 2006
Специальность: Project Management

The form of formation the modular.

Odessa Government Academy of Architecture and Civil Construction (высшее), с 1991 по 1996
Специальность: Master of Civil and Industrial Construction

The formation form day/internal.

Повышение квалификации
Квалификация: Project Management
Учебное заведение: Leuven School of Business And Economics
Год получения: 2006
Название курса (экзамена): Project Management
Иностранные языки
Английский: продвинутый
Дополнительные сведения
Семейное положение: женат
Дети: есть
Возможность командировок: есть
О себе: Sociable‚ resistant to stress‚ without bad habits.
Опубликовано 2010-12-09 21:15:02
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