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 2010-05-28 20:07:58 

Chief Financial Officer

Город: Ульяновск
Раздел: Финансы и кредит, банковское дело
Заработная плата: от руб
Пол: не имеет значения
Название предприятия: 
Образование:  Возраст: 
Дополнительные сведения: 
Опыт работы
более 5 лет
СJSC Astarta (SkyLink) Ulyanovsk, с июля 2009 по настоящее время
Должность: Chief Financial Officer

RESPONSIBILITIES include all aspects of budgeting, financial planning and analysis, financial accounting, financial reporting, cost-control, tax, treasury, cash & banking, inventory control;
- Oversee the allocation of financial resources; identify cost-effective approaches; establish and assure the use of internal controls for financial systems.
- Manage the budgetary process, including preparing and justifying budget, operating the budget with day-to-day monitoring activities (P&L, Cash Flow, BS).
- Analyse financial data to identify current and future operating trends and to locate problem areas.
- Plan the companies' operating cash needs. Control over cash flow.
- Responsible for all banking relationships.
- Optimize and monitor of operational and financial costs. (Analysis of cost, development of measures to minimize costs).
- Management of assets and liabilities (management of receivables and payables, inventory management).
- Design and analysis of financial and business schemes of new business projects. Economic support for contracts.
- Tax planning and development schemes of tax optimization.
- Management of financial and accounting staff.

СJSC Integrated Energy Systems (IES-Holding) Moscow, с июня 2006 по июль 2009
Должность: Senior Specialist of Financial Department

RESPONSIBILITIES included the following areas: cash & banking, financial reporting, risk management, treasury.
- Preparation annual budget. Preparing financial reports (P&L, Cash Flow, BS), plan-fact analysis.
- Daily monitoring of cash flow. Coordination and optimization cash flows. Risk management.
- Negotiations, keeping in touch with investment companies and banks.
- Monitoring debt position of the holding. Prepare for and participate in negotiations on external financing. Documentary providing loan transactions of the company and bond issues.
- Develop and implement schemes of funding projects, related to acquiring the assets.
- Analysis of tax implications of investment projects. Development of schemes of tax optimization.
- The analysis and recommendations to the financial part of the investment projects.
- Participate in the reporting under IFRS.

Профессиональные навыки

Budgeting‚ Cash & Banking‚ Financial Reporting‚ Risk Management‚ Treasury‚ Cost Control‚ Tax. Knowledge of IFRS.

Основное — высшее
Ulyanovsk State University (высшее), с 1996 по 2001
Специальность: Economics\Financial Management, Diploma

Повышение квалификации
Квалификация: АССА DipFR-RUS (IFRS)
Учебное заведение: Ernst & Young (Academy of Business)
Год получения: 2007
Название курса (экзамена): АССА Program DipFR-RUS (IFRS)
Иностранные языки
Английский: свободное владение
Немецкий: продвинутый
Дополнительные сведения
Семейное положение: замужем
Дети: есть
Возможность командировок: есть
О себе: Дипломатична. Требовательна к себе и другим. Стрессоустойчива. Нацелена на результат. Восприимчива к новым идеям и начинаниям. Цель профессиональной карьеры - работа‚ приносящая удовлетворение‚ стабильное вознаграждение труда‚ наличие перспектив профессионального роста‚ обширное и интересное поле деятельности.
Опубликовано 2010-05-28 20:07:58
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