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 2010-07-18 08:28:37 

Teacher of English

Город: Санкт-Петербург
Раздел: Лингвистика
Заработная плата: от 15000 РУБ
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Опыт работы
2-3 года
University of Madison Wisconsin, USA. Baku Slavian University Azerbaijan, с сентября 2007 по май 2010
Должность: Teacher of Literature. Teacher of English as a Second Language

Peter Orte
958 Van Hise
Madison, WI 53706 USA

Teaching and Work Experience:

I worked as a Teaching Assistant---September 2007 through May 2010 in the Department of Comparative Literature, University of Madison, Wisconsin. In this capacity, I conducted introductory level discussion sections in class rooms ranging from fifteen to twenty students. The topics of discussion in these courses included ancient and modern literature, stories of creation, fascism in literature, and the idea of 'race' in America and the rest of the world. In addition to conducting discussion classes, I also graded the students' essays and gave occasional lectures before the entire class.

For this work, in the Spring of 2009, I was selected as an Honored Instructor by the students of Chadbourne Residential College.

In the Summer of 2009, I worked as an English Language Instructor at Baku Slavic University. Throughout the Summer I conducted courses in English Grammar, Conversation, and lectures on American Literature. Five hours per week were devoted to each subject. At the end of the course, I administered a final exam.

In the Summer of 2009, I worked as an Editor of English Language articles for a book on Stereotypes conceived and organized by the Head of the Azerbaijani Literature Department at Baku Slavic University, Dr. Rahilya Geybullayeva. The book was entitled Stereotypes in Literatures and Cultures, International Reception Studies, and was published by Peter Lang in Germany. The work involved extensive and thorough revision of articles written by authors whose native language was not English.

These experiences have taught me how to conduct a class and motivate students. Because the first language of my students in Baku was Russian, teaching there also exposed me to the typical problems native speakers of Russian have with English.

Профессиональные навыки

Dear Institution‚ 
My name is Peter Alois Orte. I am a Graduate Student in the Department of Comparative Literature from the University of Wisconsin Madison‚ USA‚ though presently‚ I am studying Russian in St. Petersburg at Herzen University in order to complete the preparatory work for my intended dissertation on Dostoevsky and Vaslav Nijinsky. The program that has allowed me to study in St. Petersburg comes to a close August tenth‚ at which time I am scheduled to return to the United States. I would prefer not to return. I am seeking a way to prolong my life in Russia in order to enhance my study of Russian. I write this letter and attach my resume because I seek employment as an Instructor of English as a second language in St. Petersburg. I have experience as a teacher at my University‚ and have taught English as a second language on one previous occasion. If I am found qualified‚ I would be interested in setting up an interview and a trial of my teaching as soon as possible.
Thank you for your time and consideration‚
Peter Orte

Основное — высшее
Herzen University (высшее (магистратура)), с 2010 по 2010
Специальность: Russian

I continue my study of Russian at Herzen University, St Petersburg

Comparative Literature (второе высшее), с 2000 по 2010
Специальность: Comparative Literature, Lyric Poetry in French, German, Middle High German, Latin, Russian

The field of Comparative Literature requires that I learn several languages and literary traditions in order to compare them. I have studied the lyric traditions of France and Germany prior to the modern, industrial age in order to gain a better understanding of what lyric poetry is for in a destitute time.

Baku Slavic University (среднее), с 2009 по 2009
Специальность: Russian

I began to study Russian while teaching English and editing at Baku Slavic University, where I received a certificate.

Иностранные языки
Немецкий: продвинутый
Французский: продвинутый
Английский: свободное владение
Дополнительные сведения
Семейное положение: холост
Дети: нет
Возможность командировок: нет
О себе: I am a Graduate student in the Department of Comparative Literature Madison Wisconsin‚ USA. In order to complete the preparatory work for my dissertation‚ I have begun to study Russian. In this capacity‚ I came to St Petersburg‚ and I am now seeking a way to prolong my life in Russia in order to perfect my knowledge of its language. I have taught for several years‚ and enjoyed it. I enjoy seeing the event of understanding‚ and the birth of new thoughts. I have taught English as a second langauge‚ and find that I learn a great deal myself in the process. As a student of language and comparative literature‚ the experience was helpful to me. I seek employment anywhere in Russia‚ as I will be able to move. I seek little more than a living wage and a place where I can live alone and work‚ along with help with getting a Visa. I a hope to work in Russia for a year‚ until the Summer 2011.
Опубликовано 2010-07-18 08:28:37
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