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 2011-07-19 18:00:32 

Python developer

Город: Саратов
Раздел: IT, компьютеры, работа в интернете
Заработная плата: от руб
Пол: не имеет значения
Название предприятия: 
Образование:  Возраст: Любой
Дополнительные сведения: 
Работодатель Mirantis Inc. (Саратов) предлагает вакансию на должность Python developer. Зарплата договорная . Опыт работы до 2 лет. Образование высшее.
Saratov office of Mirantis Inc. are inviting enthusiastic Python developers‚ who will be extending OpenStack to build enterprise-grade private IaaS platforms for companys customers. We need talented developer‚ who is willing to work on intersection of IT and software engineering‚ be passioned about open-source and not afraid of maintaining huge codebase‚ written by best developers in the area.

  • Design‚ implement and test components for cloud applications using Python;
  • Design‚ implement and document API for cloud services;
  • Work in a small teams following lightweight agile approach;
  • Maintain and support open-source solutions‚ created by the company.
  • Excellent knowledge of Python and Python ecosystem;
  • Experience working with Linux/Solaris;
  • Good understanding of cloud computing domain (IaaS/PaaS);
  • Contribution to open-source projects is a plus;
  • Experience working with OpenStack is a plus;
  • Spoken English.
We offer:
  • Competitive salary (after interview);
  • Career and professional growth;
  • 20-working days paid vacation‚ 100% paid sick list;
  • Medical insurance;
  • Benefit program;
  • Flexible schedule.
Contact information:
Valeria Gordon
ICQ: 492032122
Skype: Lerasss
Phone: +7 (8452) 674555
Опубликовано 2011-07-19 18:00:32
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